
Take the first step…


How to not spoil that first date!

You are really anxious about an upcoming first date. You arrive face to face and your heart skips a beat! Wow!

You can’t wait to sit down and start talking face to face. Here are 3 things to ABSOLUTELY avoid during this first encounter if you’re hoping for a second date.

1- Talking about your ex. We are all curious about this subject but it should not be discussed. Even if asked. Change the subject and move on to something positive.

2- Personal problems. So you hate your job, your boss is a jerk. Fine. But it’s not time to talk about it. Simply say that you are looking for a new professional challenge and that you’ve learned a lot in your present job. Who knows, the person in front of you could put you in contact with an acquaintance who is looking to hire someone with a positive go-getter attitude!

3- Moving. In the USA and Europe, my fellow matchmakers continuously make cross-state or cross border matches. Here in Quebec, crossing a bridge is taboo. If you live on the South Shore and the person in front of you lives on the island of Montreal, don’t start talking about who will move where. You aren’t there yet in the relationship. Avoid the subject and marriage like the plague! Finally, to all North Shore and South Shore denizens, remember that demographically, most singles live in the city so don’t deprive yourself from finding the ”one”! Cross that bridge! 

In general, all negative subjects must be avoided on a fist date. You have to project a positive image, the image of a person who loves life and wants to enjoy the present moment. Of course, we all have problems, issues, but a first date is certainly not the right time to discuss them.

Joan S. Paiement

[email protected]

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